Volunteer with Book'em
Thank You Volunteers!
Volunteers are our most valuable resource. Book’em has a volunteer base of 300+ community members who serve as reading role models in local elementary schools and early learning centers, prepare donated books for distribution and fulfill book requests, help out in the office, and assist with special events. Click below to learn more about all of our programs to see where you would best fit as a volunteer or to fill out the volunteer form!
Become a Reading Role Model
Research shows that reading aloud to children greatly increases their ability to learn to read and build essential literacy skills. If you have questions, please email [email protected].

Volunteer Groups
Book’em depends on small groups of volunteers to help us prepare books for distribution. This usually involves sorting through donated books, cleaning them, stamping or labeling them, counting them and boxing or shelving them. Some of the work is physical as books in boxes and bins tend to be heavy. Occasionally, we have other group needs such as data entry, cleaning and organizing, packing up books, delivering boxes of books, etc. Given our small staff, space constraints, and bandwidth, we have developed some guidelines for volunteer groups, so that they meet our needs, and we can provide your group with a meaningful, rewarding, and fun experience. Read about the guidelines below.
Volunteer Group Guidelines
- Minimum of 2 volunteers and a maximum of 10 volunteers per group.
- Preferred days for volunteer groups (there may be some exceptions) include Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
- Preferred times for volunteer groups are between 9:30 am and 3:30 pm (CST) with 2-hour blocks for the group, for example 9:30-11:30 or 1:00-3:00 (2 hours).
- Preference will be given to groups who already partner with Book’em.
- Preference will be given to companies or civic groups who are doing book drives for Book’em and/or donating money to Book’em.
- Subject to our availability – we can only manage about 1 volunteer group each week.
- Please submit your interest form at least 4 weeks before your preferred date.

Other Ways to Volunteer
If you are interested in hosting a book drive, processing book donations, filling book requests, delivering books, helping with special events, or volunteering in other ways, please complete our Volunteer Interest Form and we will contact you as needs arise.
Email [email protected] for more information.