Our Programs

Accomplishing the Book'em Mission Through Our Programs

Book’em's mission is to create a more literate Nashville and ignite children’s passion for reading through book ownership and enthusiastic volunteers. We envision a future in Nashville where all children own books and know first-hand the joy and value of reading. Book'em chips away at this mission with different methods through our various programs found below.


Books For Nashville's Kids

Books for Nashville's Kids partners with schools and organizations in Davidson County to provide free books to youth ages 0-18.


Reading is Fundamental

Reading is Fundamental places reading role model volunteers in Title I elementary schools to read and give books to students throughout the school year.


Ready for Reading

Ready for Reading places reading volunteers in local preschools to build relationships with young children through regular read aloud time.


Read Me Day

Read Me Day is an annual celebration of literacy hosted at Title I elementary schools to highlight the importance of books and reading through a memorable literacy experience.

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Book Bus

The Book'em Bus is traveling to community spaces and events in Davidson County to provide free books to youth ages 0-18 and foster community outreach.

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